
“(Torn Man II)”; undated; gouache, paper; 42 × 29.6 cm; private collection
“(Torn Man II)”; undated; gouache, paper; 42 × 29.6 cm; private collection

“Andrzej Wróblewski. Waiting Room” is the first foreign show that focuses on the final years of the artist’s work. The exhibition at Moderna galerija, one of the most prestigious museums of modern art in Europe, consists of over 120 works created between 1955 and 1957. A large number of these paintings have never been exhibited or haven’t been displayed for over sixty years. The exhibition is the largest undertaking in the eight-year activity of the Andrzej Wróblewski Foundation, which carries out the mission of promoting the artist’s work in Poland and around the world. The show is organized in cooperation with the Adam Mickiewicz Institute.

The exhibition is jointly curated by Wojciech Grzybała and Magdalena Ziółkówska, co-founders of the Andrzej Wróblewski Foundation, and Marko Jenko from Moderna galerija. The preparatory work on the exhibition took over two years.

Wojciech Grzybała
Wojciech Grzybała
Marko Jenko
Marko Jenko
Magdalena Ziółkowska

The exhibited works include well-known paintings such as “Waiting Room I, The Queue Continues,” “Waiting Room II, (Chairing I),” and “Tombstone, (Tombstone of a Womanizer),” numerous gouaches, inks, monotypes, watercolors and works created on brown packaging paper.

List of exhibited works